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SCBA / Breathing Apparatus 6,8 L Composite HUD System GIS BA-02

Update Terakhir
18 / 03 / 2023
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit
Harga Mulai
Rp. 20.000.000
Sampai dengan
Rp. 25.000.000
 Kami Menjual Alat - alat Pemadam Kebakaran dan Rescue yang berlokasi di Jawa Timur

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Detail SCBA / Breathing Apparatus 6,8 L Composite HUD System GIS BA-02

Model: RHZK 6.8
WARNING: Only close observance of the instruction laid out in this booklet can guarantee safe use of
the apparatus and perfect service. Breathing apparatus must be employed by specially trained people
under supervision of person well aware of its limits of application and of the laws in being.
1. Application Field
Positive pressure air breathing apparatus is designed for the use in fire fight application chemical
industry, metallurgy, mines, petrol industry, rescue operation,
maintenance works and polluted area wherever there is or may be oxygen deficiency. It protects users
from toxic gas, particles and mist, word in environment with less oxygen content than 17%, or fog
caused by fire accident.
2. Product Description
Positive pressure are breathing apparatus is composed of the following part
①Full mask
②Demand valve
③Pressure reducer and safety valve
④Pressure gauge and warning device
⑤Back plate assembly with harness
⑥Medium pressure hose
Air is compressed in the cylinder (pressure of 30Mpa). Compressed air is reduced to (0.75±0.15) MPa
through the pressure reducer, and led to medium pressure hose. Then it is reduced in pressure again
through the demand valve and provided to user through full mask.
The outside toxic gas or particles can not get inside because the pressure inside the mask is always

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