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Selang Pemadam Kebakaran 1,5 X 20 Mtr German UNO Jawa Timur

Update Terakhir
07 / 08 / 2024
Min. Pembelian
1 Roll


Rp. 3.950.000
 Kami Menjual Alat - alat Pemadam Kebakaran dan Rescue yang berlokasi di Jawa Timur

Antara lain : Selang Pemadam , Pompa Portable, Pompa Apung, Baju Pemadam

Helm Pemadam, Sepatu, Sarung Tangan, Cutter, Spreader, Mobil Damkar,dll

Detail Selang Pemadam Kebakaran 1,5 X 20 Mtr German UNO Jawa Timur

Selang Pemadam Kebakaran Rubber atau karet Buatan Jerman

Bahan : Rubber
Coupling : Machino, VDH,Dll
Tersedia ukuran 2,5 dan 1,5 " x 20 mtr dan 30 mtr

- Available wJth coupllng : VDH, STORZ, Machino, Instantaneous, NHT, etc.
- An extruded thru-the-weave, nitrile rubber tire hose.
- Tha reinforcement is made with a bland of circular woven, twill weave, polyester.
- The ribs on cover surface greatly increase abrasion resistance and help provide a long service life.
- Seawater and weather resistMt.
- High resistant to oil, chemical and fuel.
- Easy maintenance and handling.
- Temparuture range from .35•c up to +1 oo•c.
- Manufactured in accordance with
DIN 14811 :2008-01 Class 3
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